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practices;  can  find  a

               Requirements for obtaining a certificate of completion:

               The minimum requirements for Certificate of completion of Module: “INTERNET
               OF THING IN ENTREPRENEURIAL PRACTICE” are as follows:
                   8.  Self-study of training materials provided in m-learning form of delivery
                   9.  Completion  of  digital  exercises:  12  exercises  (minimum  9  correctly
               Resources of the Module:
               Required Reading:

               1)  country specific
               2)  country specific

               Recommended Reading:
               1)  The  Internet  of  Things  (IoT)  –  essential  IoT  business  guide  (n.d.).  i-SCOOP.
               Startup      Monitor      (2018).     European       Commission,       Brussels,     EU.

                      The Internet of Things (IoT), an essential IoT business guide, allows you to
                      learn  about  the  most  important  issues  related  to  IoT  from  a  business
                      perspective. The text also includes a description of various subsets of IoT
                      such  as:  IIoT,  CIoT,  IoE,  IoRT.  Nevertheless,  one  of  the  most  important
                      advantages of this text is the presentation of different IoT solutions, for
                      example in manufacturing or retail business.

               2) The European market potential for integrated internet of things and big data
               services.  CBI.  (2020)  [

                      The CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports) has issued a document on
                      IoT and big data, which presents the potential of the European market. It
                      is particularly useful for entrepreneurs who want to know what the state
                      of  readiness  and  absorption  of  IOT  solutions  in  Europe  looks  like.  An
                      interesting technique used in the text is to leave short notes in the form of
                      "Tips", which will help to show some hints and instructions.

               3)  country specific
               4)  country specific

               Terms related with the Module:
               Industry 4.0                  Smart Cars                     Machine Learning
               Smart Home                    Beacons                        Big Data
               Smart City                    Start-up

                                                     Programme: Erasmus+
                                   Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
                                   Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
                                             Project Number: 2019-1-PL01-KA202-065209
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